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Mindful Based Stress Reduction chronic stress mbsr meditation reduction stress Jul 12, 2024

The Healing Power of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Stress has become an almost ubiquitous part of our lives. From demanding work schedules to personal challenges, it's easy to feel...

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Following Your Assignment: Embrace What You Were Born to Do goals guidance healing success truth Jul 08, 2024

Following Your Assignment: Embrace What You Were Born to Do

It's easy to lose sight of our true purpose. We get caught up in the demands of work, family, and societal expectations, often neglecting...

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Mind Your Business - Part 4 - Mindfulness: Your Pathway to a Calm and Confident Life mind mindfulness success success stories Jun 28, 2024

Finding inner peace can seem like an elusive goal for many high-achieving women. However, the practice of mindfulness offers a clear path to not only achieving peace but also enhancing...

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Mind Your Business - Part 3 - Mastering the Art of Self-Care with Mindfulness breathing breaks emotional intelligence gratitude mindfulness self-care success Jun 27, 2024

Self-care is often sidelined, especially for high-achieving women who balance demanding careers with personal responsibilities. Yet, true self-care is far from a luxury—it’s essential...

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Mind Your Business - Part 2 - From Hyper-Arousal to Harmony: How Mindfulness Can Balance Your Life burnout burnout symptoms childhood trauma stress success Jun 25, 2024

For high-achieving women, the relentless pursuit of success often comes with a hidden cost: chronic stress and a state of constant hyperarousal. Living on high alert can drain your energy and...

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Mind Your Business- Part 1 - Mindfulness Increases Workday Productivity leadership meditation mindfulness mindset success Jun 21, 2024

This is part 1 of a 4 part series on mindfulness. Trust me, you will want to read these.

In the middle of a hectic workday, it might seem impossible to pause for a moment of quiet reflection. I...

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Understanding Epigenetics: How Trauma Can Be Passed Down Through Generations childhood trauma coaching empowerment epigenetics happiness healing mental health trauma Jun 17, 2024

Epigenetics is a groundbreaking field of science that explores how behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes do not...

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Empowering Women Leaders: How Executive Coaching Unlocks Potential and Drives Success acceptance coaching empowerment success women in business women's issues Jun 13, 2024

Empowering Women Leaders: How Executive Coaching Unlocks Potential and Drives Success

Despite progress in many professional fields, women still face significant hurdles in climbing to the highest...

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How Your Social Circle Influences your Autonomic Nervous System Regulation friends nervous system regulation regulation social circle stress success Jun 10, 2024

How Your Social Circle Influences Your Autonomic Nervous System Regulation

Have you ever noticed how certain people can make you feel calm and centered, while others leave you feeling tense and...

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Somatic Experiencing Jun 06, 2024

Somatic experiencing is a groundbreaking body-oriented therapeutic approach designed to address trauma and stress disorders. It's based on the understanding that trauma symptoms are the effects of...

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I Didn't Know How to Have Feelings dysregulated nervous system Jun 03, 2024

The Hidden Toll of Suppressed Emotions on Our Well-being

In many cultures and environments, expressing emotions is often seen not as a natural human response but as a sign of weakness. From a young...

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Epigenetics acceptance balance change empowerment health mental health success traits May 28, 2024

I like to geek out sometimes on things. Epigenetics is one of them. I am writing this today to prompt you to do some more research on your own.

In the cool world of genetics, beyond the fixed...

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