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How Your Social Circle Influences your Autonomic Nervous System Regulation friends nervous system regulation regulation social circle stress success Jun 10, 2024

How Your Social Circle Influences Your Autonomic Nervous System Regulation

Have you ever noticed how certain people can make you feel calm and centered, while others leave you feeling tense and...

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Somatic Experiencing Jun 06, 2024

Somatic experiencing is a groundbreaking body-oriented therapeutic approach designed to address trauma and stress disorders. It's based on the understanding that trauma symptoms are the effects of...

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I Didn't Know How to Have Feelings dysregulated nervous system Jun 03, 2024

The Hidden Toll of Suppressed Emotions on Our Well-being

In many cultures and environments, expressing emotions is often seen not as a natural human response but as a sign of weakness. From a young...

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Epigenetics acceptance balance change empowerment health mental health success traits May 28, 2024

I like to geek out sometimes on things. Epigenetics is one of them. I am writing this today to prompt you to do some more research on your own.

In the cool world of genetics, beyond the fixed...

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Why It Is OK To Walk Away From Goals acceptance goals overcoming success women in business women's issues May 23, 2024

Sometimes, the bravest decision you can make is to let go of a goal that no longer serves you. While persistence is often lauded as the key to success, understanding when to step back can be...

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Breaking Free from Burnout: Recognize, Understand, and Overcome balance burnout burnout symptoms coaching happiness success well-being what to do when you feel like you are burned out woman's empowerment May 20, 2024

Burnout has become a buzzword in our high-stress modern environment, but recognizing and addressing it goes beyond mere conversation—it requires actionable insights and strategies. I’ve...

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How Do You Know if You Are Experiencing Imposter Syndrome? be kind imposter syndrome success woman's empowerment women in business women's issues May 16, 2024

Imposter syndrome is a common experience, especially among women striving for personal development and success. It's characterized by feelings of self-doubt and a sense of being a "fraud," despite...

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10 Ways to Show Kindness be kind helping kindness leading love mental health smile success May 13, 2024

The saying goes, "In a world where you can be anything, be kind." That really hit me today. Kindness is FREE and so needed. I am going to spread some kindness today by showing you some universally...

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Sell Me This Pen - How to Nail This Answer- Part 3 - To CEO's and Upper Management business tip mindset sales success May 09, 2024

Selling to CEOs and other high-level managers requires a strategic approach that respects their time, addresses their strategic needs, and demonstrates a clear understanding of their business...

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Sell Me This Pen - How to Nail This Answer- Part 2 - To Other Salespeople affirmation branding business tip happiness motivation sales small business success May 06, 2024

Selling to sales professionals requires a nuanced approach, as they are well-versed in sales tactics and can easily identify and appreciate sophisticated selling techniques. Here are strategic tips...

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Sell Me This Pen - How to Nail This Answer- Part I - The Engineer Detailed Types business tip good ideas psychology sales selling success May 03, 2024

You know the old "interview" question that inevitably some employer deploys...."Sell me this pen." So annoying, right? I know. So, let me help you. I am going to do a 3-part series on selling that...

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9 Tips for Firing Someone firing hiring small business success May 01, 2024

I know. I know. It stinks. Firing an employee is one of the most challenging tasks you might face as a small business owner, especially given the close-knit nature of many small teams. Handling...

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